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Are you a business owner in Knutsford?

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Benefit from an entirely new marketing platform, designed with businesses in mind and specifically aimed at improving both footfall and sales within the town.

BENEFITS for business owners:

Promote your business

A smart way to advertise, using the latest analytic tools to target advertising to where it works best.

Fornightly Mail Shots

Members sign up to receive our news letter, packed with the latest offers from businesses and £100’s Shopping Voucher giveaways every month to spend.

Online and in the local press

Promoting the town and it’s businesses, with regular slots for the weeks featured businesses and local what’s on calendar.

Attracting new Customers

Big-prize draws and competitions to get people’s
attention, and rewards for signing up.

Social media

Developing relationships, with regular promotional
features and free prize-draw competitions.

Latest offers

Add your own offers and gain even more exposure on the members homepage and competition pages.

Promotional Features

Regular cross-promotional pages and seasonal events keeping the site fresh and offering businesses another chance to promote themselves.

Local Events and Attractions

Promoting town events online and in the local press, with themed competitions and Grand-Prize Draws to get people’s attention.

In the community

Bringing businesses and community together, with
promotional events such as inter-school design
competitions to win equipment for the schools – with a public gallery and vote on

What’s on Calendar

Add your own events to the What’s On calendar, local nightlife and entertainment, events and attractions, family fun days.

Screenshot of The Department Store Knutsford

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